Country Information

Location: Eastern Europe
Capital: Bratislava
Population: 5.429 Million
Currency: Euro
Language: Slovak
Main Religion: Christianity

Hello: Ahoj
Thank you: Ďakujem

Dates in the country

Start of September 2017


Slovakia belongs to the northern moderate climatic zone, with four seasons. The weather in Slovakia changes a lot by the influence of dry continental air from the west and the humid ocean air from the North, Baltic and Mediterranean Sea. The topography of Slovakia is very diverse and the altitude is also an important factor affecting the air temperature, rainfall, solar radiation and wind.

The weather is usually warmer in the plains than in mountainous areas. The warmest and driest region of Slovakia is Podunajská nížina (Danube lowland) with an annual average temperature around 10.3 °C and precipitation around 530 mm. With increasing altitude the temperature decreases and the rainfalls/snowfalls increase. The coldest places are mountain peaks in High and Low Tatras with the average temperature of -4 °C in Summer and -10 °C in Winter with precipitation over 2000 mm.

Public Holidays

  • 1 Jan Sun Republic Day
  • 6 Jan Fri Epiphany
  • 14 Apr Fri Good Friday
  • 17 Apr Mon Easter Monday
  • 1 May Mon Labour Day
  • 8 May Mon Liberation Day
  • 5 Jul Wed St Cyril and St Methodius Day
  • 29 Aug Tue Slovak Uprising Day
  • 1 Sep Fri Constitution Day
  • 15 Sep Fri Lady of Sorrows’ Day
  • 1 Nov Wed All Saints’ Day
  • 17 Nov Fri Freedom and Democracy Day
  • 24 Dec Sun Christmas Eve
  • 25 Dec Mon Christmas Day
  • 26 Dec Tue 2nd Day of Christmas


  • Australian and New Zealand passport holders planning a visit to any of the 28 Member States of the EU do not require a visa if their stay is no longer than 90 days in a six month period within the EU.
  • UK part of EU


Vaccines advised:

  • Tetanus
  • Tick-borne encephalitis
  • Malaria: No

Rules of the Road

Slovakian main road traffic rules:

  • Traffic flows on the right side of the road.
  • The minimum driving age is 18 years.
  • Headlights must be on at all times.
  • Seat belts are required for a driver and all passengers.
  • Children under 12 must sit in the rear of the vehicle.
  • The permitted blood alcohol level is 0.0%.
  • Right turns on red are not permitted.
  • Using cell phones while driving is strictly prohibited, and permitted only with hands-free system.
  • Eating and anything else unconnected to driving is not allowed.
  • Trams, trolleys and buses that are turning always have the right-of-way.
  • Pedestrians in a crosswalk have the right-of-way.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol is strictly prohibited. The legal blood alcohol level is zero percent.
  • Winter tires are compulsory on roads covered with snow or ice.
  • The speed limits are: on highways – 130 km/h (78 mph), on smaller roads – 90 km/h (54 mph), in towns – 50 km/h (31 mph).
  • Drivers must yield the right of way to vehicles with flashing blue lights.
  • Any driver must have at least third-party insurance.
  • The reflection vest and first aid kit must be present in each vehicle.
  • It is prohibited to carry or use any radar detection equipment.
  • It is a rule to give priority to traffic coming from the right.

Some advice:

  • Drivers should slow down if on the road vehicles with yellow or orange lights are present.
  • Drivers should be cautious about slowly moving agricultural vehicles on side roads; they may not be well marked.
  • If the estimated damage in an accident exceeds €4,000, drivers must call the police. The police are obliged to give a foreign driver a record of the accident with time, place, all information about the car, and a description of the damage. If the damage is minor, drivers can exchange insurance information and solve the accident without the police.
  • The Slovakian police have the authority to stop any car for a random check. They may check driver and vehicle papers or driver’s alcohol level. While driving, foreign drivers should always care their domestic driver permits along with International driving permits, personal identification documents, car registration papers, and proof of insurance.
  • In a case of fine, drivers have a right to defer payment until later; but, they may have additional fees, and will pay up to double the amount of the original fine.
  • Parking is usually permitted on the right side of the road except on one-way streets where vehicles can be parked on the left side.
  • Ambulance phone number is 155, Police – 158.
  • Drivers should give way to trams pulling out or showing a right turn. Vehicles may pass trams on the right.
  • It is recommended to have in the car following safety equipment: spare bulbs, tow rope, spare wheel, fire extinguisher, and torch.

Places to Visit

  • Bratislava – Sitting on both sides of the Danube in the southwest corner of Slovakia, Bratislava is a festive city, with meandering streets and tiny but grand buildings. With its rural atmosphere, on a hot afternoon, a flock of sheep wouldn’t look out of place grazing on Františkánske Square.


A detailed route showing where we went overlanding and exploring. We jotted down the routes we travelled on a physical map which travelled with us from Australia to the UK, then transferred this to a digital form using Google Maps (KML and GeoRSS Layers)

These are exact appropriations, maps differ between brands and converting from paper to digital may lose some details in translation. This should still show in great detail our route.