Country Information
Location: Southeastern Europe
Capital: Bucharest
Population: 21.4 million
Currency: Romanian leu / Euro
Language: Romanian
Main Religion: Christianity
Hello: Bună ziua
Thank you: Mulțumesc
Dates in the country
Romania has a temperate-continental climate with moderate features which is characteristic for Central Europe. with hot summers, long, cold winters and very distinct seasons. Abundant snowfalls may occur throughout the country from December to mid-March, especially if you are in the mountainous areas of Romania.
Public Holidays
- 1 Jan Sun – New Year’s Day
- 2 Jan Mon – New Year Holiday
- 24 Jan Tue – Union of the Romanian Principalities
- 16 Apr Sun – Orthodox Easter Sunday
- 17 Apr Mon – Orthodox Easter Monday
- 1 May Mon – Labor Day
- 1 Jun Thu – Children’s Day
- 4 Jun Sun – Orthodox Whit Sunday
- 5 Jun Mon – Orthodox Whit Monday
- 15 Aug Tue – Assumption Day
- 30 Nov Thu – Feast of Saint Andrew
- 1 Dec Fri – Great Union Day
- 25 Dec Mon – Christmas Day
- 26 Dec Tue – 2nd Day of Christmas
- Australian and New Zealand passport holders planning a visit to any of the 28 Member States of the EU do not require a visa if their stay is no longer than 90 days in a six month period within the EU.
- UK part of EU
Rules of the Road
The main traffic rules:
- Traffic glows on the right side of the road; overtaking on the left side.
- The minimum age for driving is 18 years.
- A driver and all passengers must wears a seatbelt at all times white driving.
- It is required to have in the car a warning triangle inside, first aid kit and tire extinguisher.
- For driving in bad winter weather, it is required winter tires or snow chains.
- The speed limit is 50 km/h in built-up areas, 90km/h – on open roads, 100km/h on dual carriageways, 130km/h – on motorways.
- The legal drink driving limit is zero; a driver must be no alcohol in his blood when driving
- In built-up areas, it is not permitted to use a horn between 22:00 (10pm) ND 6:00 (6am).
- Children under 12 years of age cannot be ridden in the front seat.
- It is a rule to give way to traffic coming onto a roundabout.
- It is obligatory to park on the right hand side of the road, in the same direction as the traffic.
- Pedestrians have a right of at pedestrian crossings and vehicles must give them way.
- It is mandatory to have car insurance.
Additional requirements:
- Foreign drivers need to buy a road tax sticker (Rovineta) which can be got from petrol stations and post offices.
- Drivers must pay motorways tolls. It is recommended to have plenty of change (Euro).
- Some petrol stations don’t take credit cards; it is necessary to pay by cash.
- In case of an accident, driver must call and wait for the police (Politia) and Ambulance (Salvarea. If a foreign driver has a small accident, he needs to go to a Police office to make a declaration as the circumstances of the incident.
- Police has a right stop any car to check a diving license or International driving permit and the car documents such as ownership and insurance.
Places to Visit
A detailed route showing where we went overlanding and exploring. We jotted down the routes we travelled on a physical map which travelled with us from Australia to the UK, then transferred this to a digital form using Google Maps (KML and GeoRSS Layers)
These are exact appropriations, maps differ between brands and converting from paper to digital may lose some details in translation. This should still show in great detail our route.