Country Information


Location: Europe Baltic region
Capital: Tallinn
Population: 1.3 million
Currency: Euro
Language: Estonian
Main Religion: Evangelical Lutheranism

Hello: Tere
Thank you: Tanan

Dates in the country

End of August 2017


The Estonian climate is temperate and mild, characterised by warm summers and fairly severe winters. The weather is often breezy and humid due to the proximity of the Baltic Sea. Seasons in Estonia vary widely.

Public Holidays

  • January 1st New Years day
  • March/April Easter
  • May 1st Spring day
  • June 23rd Victory Day
  • June 24th St Johns Day
  • August 20th Independence Restoration Day
  • October 15th Ethnicity Day
  • December 24th Christmas Eve
  • December 25th Christmas Day
  • December 26th Boxing Day


Australian and New Zealand passport holders planning a visit to any of the 28 Member States of the EU do not require a visa if their stay is no longer than 90 days in a six month period within the EU.
UK part of EU


Vaccines advised:

  • Tetanus
  • Tick-borne encephalitis
  • Malaria: No

Rules of the Road

  • The minimum driving age is 18 years.
  • A driver and all passengers in front and rear seats must wear seat-belts.
  • Dipped headlights must be illuminated at all time while driving.
  • Drivers must always stop for all pedestrians in marked crosswalks.
  • Two warning triangles, a fire extinguisher and first-aid kid are obligatory.
  • The legal blood alcohol level is 0.02%.
  • To use of hand-held cell phones while driving is not permitted. It is permitted to use mobile phones with hands free systems.
  • The maximum speed limit for cars in tows is 50 km/h (31 mph); 90 km/h (56) on open roads; 110 km/h on highways in summer season. The maximum speed limit for cars with a trailer is in tows is 50 km/h (31 mph); 70 km/h (56) on open roads; 90 km/h on highways. In residential areas, the maximum speed is 20 km/h.
  • Winter tires are required from 1 December to 1 March.
  • It is not permitted to overtake a tram which has stopped to let passengers on or off.
  • It is not permitted to use the radar detectors.
  • It is not permitted to use a car’s horn in towns and villages.
  • The fire and third party liability insurance is mandatory.
  • Police phone number is 110.
  • Drive on right side of the road
  • Carnet not required however may be needed for Australian registered car.

Places to Visit

  • Tallinn
  • Lahemaa rahvuspark


A detailed route showing where we went overlanding and exploring. We jotted down the routes we travelled on a physical map which travelled with us from Australia to the UK, then transferred this to a digital form using Google Maps (KML and GeoRSS Layers) 

These are exact appropriations, maps differ between brands and converting from paper to digital may lose some details in translation. This should still show in great detail our route.